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The pearls from around the world are our muse, inviting you to explore a world of exquisite pearl creations.

Virginia Woolf's Portrait

What is WHOMFOR?

Virginia Woolf: The Spark Behind WHOMFOR

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), a renowned early 20th-century British feminist writer, is the muse behind the brand WHOMFOR.


Virginia Woolf said, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.”


WHOMFOR, not only a play on the sound of Woolf's Mandarin translated name, but also a breakdown into 'WHOM FOR?'. Who are you adorning yourself for? Not for anyone else, but for your own pleasure, to become a better version of yourself, bravely pursuing your true self, and embracing who you truly are.


EMBRACE WHO YOU ARE - This is WHOMFOR's core message. 


WHOMFOR is more than a brand; it's a reminder to live authentically, embracing and loving every aspect of who you are.


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